Starchy snacks and sugary foods, such as sweetened cereals and cookies
Acidic drinks sipped over prolonged periods of time, such as wine or unsweetened fruit juice
Low-fat dairy products
Aged cheeses
Fortified soy beverages
Sweet potatoes
Dark leafy green vegetables, especially spinach
Dried fruit and other sticky foods Salty foods
Those with chronic diseases, such as diabetes and HIV/AIDS
Those with eating disorders
Those with poor dental hygiene
In addition to brushing and flossing, a healthful diet, with natural or added fluoride, protects teeth
from decay and keeps the gums healthy Tooth decay (cavities and dental caries) and gum disease are
caused by colonies of bacteria that coat the teeth with a sticky film called plaque If plaque is not
brushed away, these bacteria break down the sugars and starches in foods to produce acids that wear
away the tooth enamel The plaque also hardens into tartar, which can lead to gum inflammation, or
A well-balanced diet provides the minerals, vitamins, and other nutrients essential for healthy teeth
and gums Fluoride, found in foods, water, and treated water supplies, has been determined safe and
effective in preventing cavities, reducing rates by 40 to 60%
Another common dental problem is canker sores, which appear as painful, white or yellowish
raised spots Sores are scattered through the mouth or in large clusters Often, canker sores heal after
two weeks, but larger ulcers may last months and be accompanied by fatigue, fever, and swollen
lymph nodes The cause of canker sores is unknown, but doctors believe they’re related to stress or
Nutrition Connection
Eating the right foods plays a big part in having healthy teeth and gums Follow these guidelines:
Eat foods rich in calcium Calcium supports healthy teeth and gums Low-fat dairy products,
fortified soy and rice beverages, canned salmon or sardines (with bones), almonds, and dark green
leafy vegetables are excellent sources of calcium
Eat foods rich in vitamin D Vitamin D helps your body absorb calcium Find it in milk, fortified
soy and rice beverages, and fatty fish such as salmon
Eat nutrient-dense foods Nutrients such as phosphorus, magnesium, vitamin C, and beta-carotene
are also essential to dental health Phosphorus, found in meat, fish, dairy products and eggs, and
magnesium, found in whole grains, spinach, and legumes, are necessary for the formation of tooth
enamel Vitamin A helps build strong bones and teeth Good sources of beta-carotene, which the body
turns into vitamin A, include orange-colored fruits and vegetables and dark green leafy vegetables
Vitamin C, found in cruciferous vegetables and citrus fruits, prevents bleeding gums
Look for gum with xylitol
Within 5 minutes after finishing a meal, chew gum for at least 5 minutes Gum sweetened with
xylitol helps to counter harmful bacteria in your mouth, which promote cavities
End your meals with the right foods When consumed at the end of a meal, aged cheeses help
prevent cavities In addition to providing essential nutrients, hard fibrous fruits and vegetables, such
as apples, carrots and celery also stimulate Fresh fruit such as apples stimulate saliva flow, which
decreases mouth acidity and washes away food particles They also reduce buildup of cavity-causing
bacteria Avoid sticky items such as dried fruit
Avoid starchy and sugary foods Sugary foods may seem obviously linked to cavities, but starchy
foods, such as sweetened cereals or cakes, also make teeth prone to decay The starches mix with
amylase, an enzyme in saliva, to create an acid bath that erodes enamel
Try a diet of bland, soft food If painful canker sores interfere with eating, try sipping liquid or
pureed foods through a straw Foods that cause the least pain include yogurt, custard, rice, and
poached chicken Avoid salty and acidic food
Check to see if your water supply is fluoridated Not all municipalities fluoridate their water
supply, so contact your municipal office Cavities can be prevented by giving children fluoride in the
first few years of life Fluoride is supplied through fluoridated water, beverages made with
fluoridated water, tea, and some fish, as well as many brands of toothpaste and some mouthwash
Fluoride supplements are available for children who don’t have access to fluoridated drinking water,
but note that excess fluoride consumption can cause mottling of the teeth
Children are particularly vulnerable to tooth decay because their teeth are still forming enamel
and haven’t finished hardening Parents should:
Provide a good diet throughout childhood
Brush children’s teeth until they’re mature enough to do a thorough job by themselves (usually by 6
or 7 years old)
Supervise twice-daily brushing and flossing thereafter
Never put babies or toddlers to bed accompanied by a bottle of milk (which contains the natural sugar
lactose), juice, or other sweet drink
Never dip pacifiers in honey or syrup
Eat sensibly during pregnancy to make sure that the child’s teeth get off to a good start; particularly
important is calcium, which helps the baby to form strong teeth and bones, and vitamin D, which the
body needs to absorb calcium
Beyond the Diet
Because a chronically dry mouth also contributes to decay, it’s helpful to incorporate the following
strategies to stimulate saliva and take good care of your teeth and gums:
Chew gum Sugarless gum stimulates the flow of saliva, which decreases acid and flushes out food
Rinse and brush after eating Rinsing your mouth and brushing your teeth after eating are
important strategies to prevent cavities
Always brush your teeth before going to bed Saliva flow slows during sleep; going to bed
without brushing the teeth is especially harmful
Check your medications Certain drugs cut down saliva flow, such as clonidine, which is used to
treat high blood pressure and ADHD in kids, and heart medications atropine and propranolol
Take care of your gums Left untreated, gum diseases such as gingivitis can lead to periodontitis,
an advanced infection that can cause teeth to loosen and fall out People on medications such as
chemotherapy drugs or steroids are particularly at risk for gum disease, as well as those who have
diabetes, heart disease, and HIV/AIDS Furthermore, gum disease has also been linked to
endocarditis, a condition where bacteria enters the bloodstream
See a dentist every 6 months Regular checkups keep teeth and gums healthy